Medina Balesic x3


20250101. Längd 0 tim 45 min

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13 april

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Medina Balesic x3 Bild

0 tim 45 min


A reflection on the Balkan war during the 90s. Three nationalities who ones shared life turned against the other with the help of propaganda and hate lead by militia. The war was a brutal reveal of the human capacity to end thousands of lives during four years of hell. Not to mention the hundreds of thousands who became misplaced in mind, body and spirit after enduring obscene and cruel acts. On the internet videos exist side by side regardless of peoples background, religion, preferences. In the video you can't tell who is who - ethnicity - incapsulating the feeling towards this war. Being part of a mixed family has given me the freedom to be liberated from the hate that wants to pin us against eachother.


Three bodies, one soul: a dance of defiance against patriarchy and the search for identity.

Little Paper

Is a hyper personal documentary style video essay. Telling about the time a young family travelled, to a destination of which non had previous connections to, for a lifechanging task. It's February 2023 and everything is at stake.

Through the multichannel audio-visual installation of Little Paper (2024) visitors become editors as each layer reveals something that adds to the plot. Time becomes nonlinear due to the nature of the installation.

The rite of passage is painful yet necessary to employ what awaits on the other side.
