Ispod Mosta, Medu Stijenama / Lowdown


1980. Ej angivet. Längd 1 tim 20 min

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10 mars

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Ispod Mosta, Medu Stijenama / Lowdown Bild

Ej angivet


1 tim 20 min

In a very difficult day for him, Salo, police detective, has to investigate the crime. Anger outbursts and problems with the media are his everyday routine, lately. As it is not already enough, in this particular day he has to deal with the microcredit company which charges him for not paying his due, his relationship with the girlfriend is falling apart and he is not able to be at daughter's ballet training. Suddenly, one call changes the game and its rules. Everything changes. The old saying that states that during the investigation detective finds himself gets the new, twisted meaning.
