En svensk tiger


2019. Ej angivet. Längd 0 tim 0 min

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6 mars

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En svensk tiger Bild

Ej angivet


0 tim 0 min

Before it's too late Birgitta von Otter needs to find the truth about her father Göran von Otter. The father was one of the first in the world to receive a testimony of the Holocaust. On a packed train in the midst of the Second World War SS-officer Kurt Gerstein entrusts this horrific story. This event came to haunt von Otter throughout his entire life, although he rarely talked about it. The film follows Birgittas search for understanding and forgiveness for what has been. Finally Birgitta realizes her need to visit the German daughter Adelheid. There, she sees the pain of the Gersteins caused by her father's silence. The two women are connected by this unpredicted en- counter between their fathers in the midst of the war. A brief encounter that still, seventy years later, continues to have impact on their lives.
An emotional and personal story about shame, guilt and personal responsibility.
A film about Sweden and the guilt from the Second World War.
