

20210101. Ej angivet. Längd 1 tim 20 min

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9 mars

1Välj biograf och föreställning

Denna film har för tillfället ingen inplanerad föreställning på våra biografer.

2Välj biljetter och platser
Vänligen acceptera kakor för statistik och marknadsföring för att kunna se videon.
Maizidian Bild

Ej angivet


1 tim 20 min

On New Year's Day 2020 in Beijing, George spoke with his sister in Athens and told her that he had plans to travel back to Greece in August to hold his photographic exhibition. Yet shortly after that, Covid-19 breaks out and George is unable to travel anywhere. Still in Beijing and nine months later, George is looking for his friend Lao Song in Maizidian to ask about his photographic exhibition. On the way he meets Greg from the US, Glenda from Italy, Oda from Japan, Daniel from Brazil, and others from 9 different countries. Sasha, a German bartender, tells George about how many of his fellow countrymen didn't dare return home and how his bar became a temporary respite for people. After George listened to their stories about life in Beijing during the epidemic, he surprisingly realized they all felt the same thing.
