
2022. Från 11 år. Längd 1 tim 50 min

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1 mars

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Från 11 år


1 tim 50 min

MAN OF GOD, 2021, Greece, US, drama, 110', English with ENGLISH SUBTITLES, director Yelena Popovic
Utvisad orättvist, dömd utan rättegång, förtalad utan anledning. Man of God skildrar prövningar och vedermödor av Den Helige Nektarios från Aeginas (?e?t????? ???????; 1 October 1846 - 8 November 1920) medan han bär på sina fienders orättfärdiga hat och predikar Guds ord.

MAN OF GOD, 2021, Greece, US, drama, 110', English with ENGLISH SUBTITLES, director Yelena Popovic

Exiled unjustly, convicted without a trial, slandered without cause. The life of St. Nektarios of Aegina was one of persecution and prosecution. A priest of the common people, his popularity provoked the jealousy of the clergy in Alexandria and as a result, he was defrocked and expelled from Egypt. In contrast to his religious "superiors", Nektarios cared for the poor, taught peasant girls to read and write, and performed miracles. Even his last moment on earth was used to help another: upon his death, Nektarios' undergarment was removed, and as it fell upon a paralyzed man in the hospital bed next to him, the lame man arose to walk. So, too, do we hope MAN OF GOD will awaken the paralyzed faith in audiences around the world.
