Litterärt samtal: Camille Kouchner

Live Show

2022. Längd 1 tim 35 min

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9 mars

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Litterärt samtal: Camille Kouchner Bild

1 tim 35 min


In La Familia grande, Camille Kouchner recounts the sexual assaults on her twin brother by their stepfather, political scientist Olivier Duhamel, a superstar of the French political and media world.

Here is the link to buy the book (Swedish version):

About the author:

Camille Kouchner is a lawyer, French academic and lecturer in private law. She was admitted to the Paris Bar in April 2011. She is a partner at Atticus Avocats, which she founded two years later, in October 2013. Regarding her private life, her father, Bernard Kouchner, was a co-founder of Médecins Sans Frontières and later Foreign Minister, her mother, Évelyne Pisier, a prominent law professor, writer and militant feminist. The parents divorced when the children were young and their mother remarried a highly respected political scientist and politician, Olivier Duhamel. Following the publication of her essay La Familia grande, the Paris public prosecutor's office announced the opening of an investigation against Olivier Duhamel.

About the moderator

After studying film in French and Swedish at Stockholm University and then journalism school, Helena Lindblad was editor-in-chief of Filmcentrum's Film & TV magazine and Folkets Bio between 1990 and 1992. Since 1994, she has been film editor at Dagens Nyheter. Helena Lindblad has also produced the short film Step for Life, and played herself in Citizen Schein.

Price: 50 SEK
