

20220101. Från 15 år. Längd 1 tim 37 min

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10 mars

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Från 15 år




Tjeck. Ry. Ty.


1 tim 37 min

One night, one bar. A sleepy actors' party is disrupted by an uninvited guest. A drunken Russian officer comes to sell a canister of gasoline, but the business transaction quickly turns into a vodka drinking race. The Russian, interested in the striking Milada and entertained by the comedic cowardice of all the men present, won't leave. The atmosphere thickends like the clouds of cigarette smoke and the Russian is having a grand old time. So grand that he pulls out a gun... The party, beating to the rhythm of the cosmically psychedelic music by Kill the Dandies!, spins out of control and the participants can't keep up. The game becomes a trap, heroes become cowards and cowards become heroes. There is only one way out of the occupied bar: a revolution! After tonight, no one will come out the same.
