MACKEN FEST - The Documentary


20230101. Ej angivet. Längd 1 tim 45 min

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28 januari

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MACKEN FEST - The Documentary Bild

Ej angivet


1 tim 45 min

Macken Fest was unique journey. Yes, there were setbacks that left Andrés and those close to him wondering if this beautiful event that was in the planning for an eternity would ever be realised. Finally, the day came and the magnificence of Macken Fest was everything that it was meant to be.

Macken has a special following by Swedish artists but Andrés himself is a driving force in the Swedish alternative music and art scene.

This documentary film tells the story of Macken Fest. The question is does it remain a legacy or will it return, perhaps in another form? Only the owls shall tell.
