Souls in transit


20230101. Från 15 år. Längd 1 tim 17 min

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26 januari

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Från 15 år






1 tim 17 min

The documentary tells the story of a largely unknown genocide. In 1915, about 3 million Christians were killed by the Ottoman Empire. The film tells the story of this massacre with the help of contemporary witnesses and relates it to the present. The genocide of 1915 finds its tragic continuation in current conflicts.

Director Aida Schlaepfer was born in Baghdad to a Lebanese mother and an Iraqi father,and spent her childhood living between her parents' homelands. At age 20, she moved toEurope, where she studied German for several years before eventually settling in Switzerland. Always interested in film and the arts despite having beengraduateas anaccountantandbusiness management, Aida earned a degree in Art and Media Design at F+FSchule für Kunst und Mediendesign in Zurich. In 2003, she relocated to Egypt to attend the High Cinema Institute at the prestigious Academy of Arts in Cairo, earning a post-graduate diploma in Film Directing.

Aida has several films and advertising to her credit, including Shadow Black and White (2001) Video, Silent Screening inside a Woman (2002) Video, Eastand West Dancing (2003) Video, Marionette (2005) 35mm,educational film created in 2006 for the German School in Cairo,Gangs of Baghdad (2007) HDDoc., Homeland(2010) DVCDoc.,"Ana Esmy Mwaten Masry" my name is Egyption Citizens HD EgyptDoc (2011),To be we also want to be HD SwissDoc. (2013),"Noun" IraqDoc. (2015)
