Lie with me


20220101. Längd 1 tim 38 min

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Imorgon 13 mars

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1 tim 38 min

Olivier Peyon’s powerfully emotional drama Lie with me is a moving and superbly acted adaptation of Philippe Besson’s acclaimed and best-selling novel. With amongst others Victor Belmondo, grandson of the famous Jean-Paul Belmondo. Visad på BFI Flare London och Palm Springs' LGBTQ+ Film Festival.

The successful novelist Stéphane Belcourt (Guillaume de Tonquédec) returns to his hometown for the first time in decades as an ambassador for a famous cognac distillery. Once there, he is stunned to discover that one of the company’s executives is Lucas (Victor Belmondo), who happens to be the son of his first love Thomas.

This triggers for Stéphane vivid memories of their passionate but secret adolescent affair, at a time when homosexuality was kept in the shadows. As Stéphane confronts the painful ghosts of the past, Lucas begins to understand his father’s truth.
